Everyone has problem with customer relationship with service provider. It happens at every level right from vegetable market till you buy a house or anything for that matter. As a consumer we would like to know what was the problem, why there is a delay in getting a service. Its right of consumer to know what's happening when we are eligible to get service from the service provider especially Banks,Hotels,Telecommunication etc, Scenarios like What should I do When I lost Credit Card, If I get phone bill with extra amount more than what I used, Problem with Government/Public Sectors Service all this needs to be sorted for the consumers.
Recent Times I have been suffering a lot with my Mobile Service Provider (AIrcel), Despite I have been complaining about bad signal receiving at my residence. They have not taken any action till now, they will accept the complaint when I reach their customer service desk, they promise that will take necessary action they wont do it. I have been suffering this problem for the past one year or so..
Again I am having Problem with Andhra Bank in getting Debit Card(may be same with credit card for you), they have been delaying so lot. Despite Checking with Bank People quite often they are not able to track the details. Again asking me to fill the Forms and follow the same idiotic features..

With this forum we could able to address the Issues where we dont get the necessary services from pulic sectors or private sectors whre we are eligible. All together fight it out for our rights.
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