What is going to happen on August 7th 2009 ? Can we stop this before it happens ?

Did you thought about Mystery and scary stuff is waiting for you when you looked at the post title.

Nope, Its nothing of detective fiction or thrilling story with fears and sweats on your face..

Stay cool, but for sure its a suspense and uneasy puzzle you need to answer me. Its time to test lateral thinking power of your brain.

As we all aware various mysterious actions taking place around us with unanswered questions.

But tell me onething, What's going to happen on 7th of August 2009 in mid noon.

Watch out for your wall clock or time piece with each seconds tickling around and see what your upto on this day..

This is not going to happen to you or me. Its for everyone of us to feel it. Does it going to happen or can we able to prevent this. I need answers from genius like you.

Ok here is the deal, if you can solve the puzzle win 25$

You got enough evidence, Lets break a suspense and see what am I talking about !!

Unsolved puzzle - Magic Numbers 

I wish you can answer my puzzle with the above image. Okay its time for me to run, I know you will be on hunt to capture me. Good luck guys !!

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